Aktion Lebensretter

  • vor 16 Jahren
AKTION LEBENSRETTER (Lebensretter = Lifesaver) raises funds for children and women in the slums of the Indian capital New Delhi. The donations are administered by the local non-profit organization PROJECT WHY, that is running 13 educational centers in Delhi to date to help the poorest of the poor help themselves.
This year, the collected funds of AKTION LEBENSRETTER will go to the KAMALA CENTER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN and the CHILDREN’S CHANCE PROGRAM, both institutions of Project Why.

Last year, Project Why opened the KAMALA CENTER FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN in one of the poorest areas of New Delhi. The center is a refuge for abused mothers and their children, provides education for local youths and women and runs a kindergarten and a primary school. Since a lot of the slum kids cannot go to school, the ambitious education in the Kamala Center provides the children with an alternative to a life on the street and a CHANCE FOR A BETTER FUTURE.

The CHILDREN’S CHANCE PROGRAM caters to the cases that seem particularly hopeless. It assembles together under one roof abandoned children and young adults with disabilities, orphans and half-orphans as well as children whose parents cannot or do not want to care for them.

Every year, AKTION LEBENSRETTER flies to Delhi to ensure the successful distribution of the collected donations. In addition to our fundraising activities, we conducted SINGING AND DANCE WORKSHOPS with the slum children and women during our last visit and plan to continue the workshops in the future.
We also organize charity concerts in different German cities where we collect further donations for AKTION LEBENSRETTER.

Donations can be made using the keyword “LEBENSRETTER” as intended purpose to:

Deutsch-Indische Gesellschaft e.V. Winsen
Konto-Nr. 70 77 878
SPK Harburg-Buxtehude (BLZ 207 500 00)

For more information, please check out http://www.aktionlebensretter.de


