Stephen Miller Calls Whistleblower A 'Deep-State Operative'

  • 5 years ago
Stephen Miller slammed the whistleblower in a Fox News interview.

White House senior adviser Stephen Miller has blasted the whistleblower who sounded the alarm about President Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president, accusing that unknown person of being a "deep-state operative." 
During an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," Miller said of the whistleblower: "This is a deep state operative, pure and simple...A group of unelected bureaucrats who think that they need to take down this president." 
The senior adviser also commented: "I think it's unfortunate that the media continues to describe this individual as a whistleblower, an honorific that this individual most certainly does not deserve. A partisan hit job does not make you a whistleblower just because you go through the Whistleblower Protection Act." 
Host Chris Wallace then played a clip of acting director of national intelligence Joseph Maguire saying he believed the whistleblower acted "in good faith" and "by the book" after which Wallace asked Miller, "On what basis do you say this was a partisan hit job?" 
Miller responded by saying, "First of all, if you read the 7-page little Nancy Drew novel that the whistleblower put together, it drips with condescension, righteous indignation and contempt for the president."  
Meanwhile, Vox called the document a "well-written, detailed, and footnoted complaint."