This video is an A-Z of mental health illnesses, terms and jargon. I hope this video can raise mental health awareness and provide a greater understanding of the issues raised.
Thank you for watching, please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this or found you learnt something new :)!
A HUGE thank you again to every single one of my subscribers, I can't get over how supportive you guys are, especially with my last few videos. It means the world to me, and literally gives me a reason to keep going through a rough time in my life.
I now have a Patreon, feel free to check it out here:
Thank you very much if you do, I really appreciate any help and you'd be supporting me in making this channel grow and getting the message of mental health awareness out there :)!
I do mental health awareness videos, as well as some random ones and board game videos. If you're curious check these links out:
Mental Health Awareness Videos (Let's Talk About...)
Board Game Videos:
Random Videos - including Useless Web Odysseys:
Thank you for watching, please like and subscribe if you enjoyed this or found you learnt something new :)!
A HUGE thank you again to every single one of my subscribers, I can't get over how supportive you guys are, especially with my last few videos. It means the world to me, and literally gives me a reason to keep going through a rough time in my life.
I now have a Patreon, feel free to check it out here:
Thank you very much if you do, I really appreciate any help and you'd be supporting me in making this channel grow and getting the message of mental health awareness out there :)!
I do mental health awareness videos, as well as some random ones and board game videos. If you're curious check these links out:
Mental Health Awareness Videos (Let's Talk About...)
Board Game Videos:
Random Videos - including Useless Web Odysseys: