[Read] Look How Lovely!: ?Mira qu? lindo! A Bilingual Book For Full

  • 5 years ago
Online What a lucky little boy! Today is the day he gets to go on a walk with his grandma and grandpa-and oh! The sights they will see! It begins with a walk to a nearby slope where they see an enormous tree with branches like strong arms against a blue-blue-blue sky. They see the squirrel that lives in the tree and hides behind its leaves, the bird as it glides across the sky, and the magic clouds above them. All of this and their walk is just beginning. Soon they find the beauty of flowers, the delightful buzz of the bees as they jump from flower to flower, the butterflies that flit from here to there, and the rain that pelts their clothes and fills puddles for the earth to drink. Then the magic of a rainbow appears! And just when you thought the day was as great as it could be, the walk goes on and the miracles of nature continue until the stars bring the sparkle of diamonds in the night sky-and the end of an extraordinary adventure right in your own backyard. A jubilant, wondrous trip with family members that are always at the top of every child's list of favorite people, Marti Skarupa's joyful romp through a perfect summer's day is also an excellent way to introduce and teach kids a new language. Teaching the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary experiences of our daily life, she reminds us all of the boundless miracles that surround us if we only stop and look. The perfect recipe for the perfect day with your own youngster, Look How Lovely! ?Mira qu? lindo! will bring happiness to your child-and warmth to your heart. Unos abuelitos llevan a su nietecito a dar un paseo donde ?l descubre la belleza y encanto de la naturaleza que le rodea. El peque?o lector se deleitar? con la poes?a y las ilustraciones. M?s importante ?l se fijar? que el mundo es muy lindo, pero ?l es: ?un tesoro para amar! En ingl?s y espa?ol para que los ni?os puedan escuchar los sonidos de cada idioma y quiz?s aprender algo de la belleza de cada lengua. For Trial
