The Amethyst Biomat and Rejuvena

  • 16 years ago Spending an endless amount on expensive creams and serums, consulting a Botox Specialist, and the risks of cosmetic surgery can end here. The Rejuvena sL generates a wide range of ultrasonic vibrations, the 30,000/vps setting allows nutrition to penetrate deep into the skin through the Netzschicht layer. The result is healthy and supple skin, better blood circulation, removing the appearance of wrinkles. When the skin cells are influenced by the micro-vibrations, the waste material and toxins are eliminated from the cells naturally. When the vibrations stop, fresh nutrition is absorbed into the cells to fill the space made by the elimination of waste materials. When this process is repeated, enough hormones are supplied to the skin cells that the cells are reactivated. The Amethyst Biomat and Rejuvena skincare skin care cosmetic surgery botox injections metabolism Distributed by Tubemogul.