30 Day Challenge Day 2 Your Health

  • 16 years ago
30 Day Challenge Day 2 Your Health by, Jennifer Korol http://www.freewebs.com/leaderscare and http://www.z2rsystem.com/id/2241. In this video I mention that one of the challenges most will face is structuring a healthy lifestyle and schedule around the time they are working. I know that for a while I have been struggling with that myself and am just getting back on track. When most of us are creative Night Owls by nature, we need to realize that we impact most people when we show them we can work during the day as well. As we all know, one of the best perks about being self employed is choosing your own schedule, but when you are in a people business that includes team work, you need to show others you will be there to help and guide them. Changing around your sleep schedule is never an easy task and it can take a toll on your health if you don’t, but when dealing with this small problem that can damage you in the long haul, you need to think of why it needs to be changed around. There are people who rely on you, your health is suffering and you’re getting sick more often than you used to, you over-eat or don’t eat enough to sustain yourself throughout the day, and you don’t get as much accomplished as you would like. These are just a few things that can get in your way if you don’t take steps to conquer them head on.