Die viertägige Rundfahrt führt in vier Etappen durch vier Bundesländer auf einer abwechslungsreichen Strecke auf über 703 Kilometern. Der Start erfolgt am 29. August in Hannover und nach spannenden Etappen in Sachsen-Anhalt, Niedersachsen und Hessen erwartet die Elite das große Finale in Thüringen - mit der Schlussetappe von Eisenach durch den Thüringer Wald nach Erfurt.
The Deutschland Tour 2019 runs through four federal states of Germany from August 29 to September, 1. The terrain between the start in Hannover and the finale in Erfurt is very diverse and inspired the course designers to create a race which will left the question of the final overall winner open until the final day. Sprinters and aggressive Classics riders will have their chances on the four stages, which cover more than 703 kilometers.
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© Amaury Sport Organisation - www.aso.fr
The Deutschland Tour 2019 runs through four federal states of Germany from August 29 to September, 1. The terrain between the start in Hannover and the finale in Erfurt is very diverse and inspired the course designers to create a race which will left the question of the final overall winner open until the final day. Sprinters and aggressive Classics riders will have their chances on the four stages, which cover more than 703 kilometers.
More information on:
© Amaury Sport Organisation - www.aso.fr