Allah Dayem

  • il y a 16 ans
L'espace Libre de Malhoun X :

Islam has become a word which frightens several people who are without knowledge. Its origin comes from the Arab word Salaam: peace, purity, submission and obedience.

Each one has its manner of tackling Islam. The religious sense of Islam is submission to the will of god and obedience to his laws.

In response particularly to Geert Wilders's film "Fitna"
In response to the Pope Joseph Ratzinger
In response to Alain Finkielkraut and to the islamist ones who preach ignorance and the obscurantism
In response to those attacking the religions, their books and their prophets without knowledge
In response to the media spreading the culture of fear, hatred between the individuals and the lies to serve the propaganda systems and therefore make us intellectual prostitutes

A simple answer:

Praise and Glory to Allah the Creator of the universe, the Eternal, the One, the Lord of the lords, the King of the kings.

Allah Dayem (God is eternal) is to give homage to God.


