Online Moving Forward: A Story of Hope, Hard Work, and the Promise of America For Full

  • 5 years ago
[Read] Most political origin stories have the same backbone. A bright young person starts reading the Washington Post in elementary school. She skips school to see a presidential candidate. In middle school she canvasses door-to-door. The story can be intimidating. It reinforces the feeling that politics is a closed system: if you weren?t participating in debate club, the Young Democrats and Model UN you have no chance.Karine Jean-Pierre?s story breaks the mold. In Moving Forward, she tells how she got involved, showing how politics can be accessible to anyone, no matter their background. In today?s political climate, the need for all of us to participate has never been more crucial. This book is her call to arms for those who know that now is the time for us to act. For Kindle
