• 6 years ago
Read complete Article here: https://www.5gphones.app/5g-healthcare/5g-health-risks-what-we-know-so-far/

People are scared of 5G even though it hasn’t been completely operational. The reason is the huge difference between the old 4G, 3G and the modern 5G.
The higher the frequency, the more harmful it could be for human beings. Radiation whether gamma or radio waves are harmful to human beings.
According to latest news, more than 200 scientists from 40 countries have made an appeal to the UN to reduce Electromagnetic field exposure from wireless technology sources.

Read complete article on 5G Health risks and what we know so far here: https://www.5gphones.app/5g-healthcare/5g-health-risks-what-we-know-so-far/

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