Anti-economic retaliation vs pro-Abe stance on S. Korea splits Japan

  • 5 years ago
Anti-Abe opposition is growing in Japan,... as many Japanese have been protesting against Tokyo's economic retaliation against South Korea.
However,.. the far-right Abe supporters also continue to ridicule and blast the South Korean government,... deepening the rift with Japan.
Lee Seung-jae has more.
Over the weekend,... Koreans and Japanese took to the streets of Tokyo with lit candles to demonstrate against Japan's economic retaliation on South Korea.

"First off, I think we should overthrow the Abe administration. We need to improve our relations with South Korea with a new government."

About 30 minutes into the peaceful candlelit march,... a group of angry right-wing supporters appeared near the intersection,... carrying the rising sun flag,... a symbol of Japan's imperialist past.
Local police blocked the two sides... to prevent them from clashing,... but the right-wing supporters started to chant disgraceful comments toward the peaceful demonstrators.

"Kick out the Koreans demanding money. Kill them "

Despite South Korea's boycott on Japanese goods and tourism,... Japan's conservatives continue to ridicule Korea.
This includes the conservative daily, the Sankei Shimbun,... which continues to applaud the Abe administration for the economic retaliation,... and has even refused to report on the South Korean boycott.
The broadcaster of Japan's DHC Group subsidiary, well-known in South Korea as a cosmetics and dietary supplement company, also added its voice to the far-right commentaries.
It claims South Koreans will forget about the issue over time, and it's better to ignore them.
The president of the company has been known for his extreme comments,... even taking to his company's website three years ago to demand Korean-Japanese be kicked out of Japan.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.