• 8 months ago
At a campaign event on Thursday, President Biden took a shot at former President Donald Trump.

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00:00 (Applause.)
00:05 Today, we face another inflection point in history,
00:08 the 2024 election and about two fundamentally different visions for America.
00:13 Donald Trump's vision is one of anger, hate, revenge, and retribution.
00:18 He embraces the insurrectionists of January the 6th.
00:22 He's running on it.
00:25 As mentioned already, he promised to be a dictator on day one,
00:28 his own words. And he called for --
00:30 (Applause.)
00:32 -- you know he means it.
00:33 And he calls for another bloodbath when he loses again.
00:39 (Applause.)
00:42 Look, your family, the Kennedy family, has endured such violence,
00:48 denying January 6th and whitewashing what happens.
00:51 It's absolutely outrageous.
00:53 I have a very different view of America,
00:56 one of hope and optimism, like I hope all of you do --
00:59 optimism that Bobby Kennedy embodied.
01:02 I see America where we defend democracy, not diminish it.
01:05 I see America where we protect our freedoms, not take them away.
01:09 And I see an America where the economy grows
01:12 from the middle out and the bottom up.
01:14 And that way, the middle class does well and the poor have a shot.
01:18 And where healthcare is a right, not a privilege.
01:23 (Applause.)
01:32 By the way, all the stuff we've done so far,
01:34 we've done it against what we've cut the budget
01:36 by a lot of money -- $172 billion so far.
01:40 So don't tell me it can't be done.
01:43 (Applause.)
01:49 I see a future for the planet.
01:52 We saved the planet, as this guy busted his neck
01:54 doing, from climate change --
01:57 literally, climate crisis in America.
02:00 And we've got to do something.
02:02 The idea we send our kids to school,
02:04 teaching them to duck and cover.
02:07 Think about that.
02:10 The idea of the United States of America, Bobby --
02:12 duck and cover at school,
02:14 more kids being killed by gun violence
02:16 than almost anything else.
02:18 Folks, the America we're building is significantly --
02:23 that we're going to get it done.
02:25 And now it's time to keep going and not slow down
02:27 because there's so much at stake.
