Full E-book What's Funny about Dementia?: Laugh to Keep from Crying Review

  • 5 years ago
What's Funny About Dementia? Laugh to Keep From Crying is a very heartfelt memoir about one social worker's journey as a caregiver and respite provider for her grandmother, Maggie Passmore, who lived with Alzheimer's for over 13 years. The author challenges the reader to look past memory and embrace the individual whose spirit dwells within them because they are still there. You just have to watch for the signs in their actions when you bear witness to their most lucid moments and let them know you still care. Her narrative of her family's plight to provide care in the comfort of her grandmother's home in familiar surroundings was critical to the quality of care her grandmother received over the years. She attributes the longevity of her grandmother's fight to finally "getting it right and working together" as a family. Ms. Rollins was to have published the book about ten years ago and over the years, every caregiver she encounters has to share their story. It made it more compelling to share her family's story. She hopes that the book brings families and caregivers of those living with Alzheimer's a measure of solace that they are not alone in their experiences and that it is okay to find the humor in the madness of dementia. There are many ways to cope with the stressors of the disease; the caregiver has to make a conscious decision to do so in order to be well and be of service to the survivor. As a caregiver, she remarked numerous times that she had to "find the funny" in her experiences in order to stay sane while at the same time she relied on her faith that her grandmother instilled in her as a child that "this too shall pass." The stories she shares unveils the vulnerabilities of families who face this challenge daily and provide hope that all is not lost. Humor was her saving grace as she had to laugh to keep from crying. Depression, weight gain, health complications, single parenthood and limited supports were a significant factor in her overall well being. This is the perfect book for caregivers and professionals who work with individuals who are diagnosed with Alzheimer's and other related dementias. Ms. Rollins shares the vulnerabilities her family endured from the early stage of Alzheimer's through her grandmother's death in the late stage of the disease. She is reflective of her experiences and shares what she got wrong and got right. Dementia transcends race/ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic status, so readers worldwide can relate to this one family's experience. She offer tips and resources throughout the book for both the lay person and professional who works with families who live with Alzheimer's.
