Online Terminal - "Nonfiction Words that Read Like Fiction": Leslie's Week Collaborators Club of

  • 5 years ago
Full E-book 43 Authors: 17 Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer Women, 12 Husbands, 13 Family Members, Sandra Gunn - Insights into the souls of those who are living with Metastatic Breast Cancer, a family disease.Forty-Three (43) authors, many of whom have never written prior to this book, have expressed within these pages their shock, rage, anger, and emotions of disbelief and despair. Many felt their cancer was in remission. A scan informed them the breast cancer had metastasized to Stage 4. This news of their lives being drastically shortened, hurled their families into a state of terminal anxiety. TERMINAL "nonfiction words that read like fiction", are words expressed by the women, children, husbands, and other family members when they are told, "You have Stage 4 Breast Cancer." Their spellbinding and profound candor will leave the reader breathless! The ability of these authors to discuss with you the most intimate states of mind and soul is riveting! For Full
