[In-depth] Global market wrap-up _ 072619

  • 5 years ago
증시 대담

It's time now for an in-depth look at the global markets this afternoon.
And for that, I'm joined here in the studio by Dr. Kim Sei-wan, professor of economics at Ewha Womans University.
Dr. Kim, thank you for coming in today.
You're welcome.
This week, we saw Korea make the case at the WTO that Japan's retaliatory trade restrictions on Korea are unjustified. The Korean side will have more to say on this matter to be sure, but where do things go from here?
It's looking more and more likely that Japan will go ahead and take Korea off its white list of preferred trading partners, which presents problems in terms of WTO rules on giving countries equal treatment. At the same time, there is clear and growing support internationally for Korea's position. Will Japan go ahead regardless and take Korea off the list?
Assuming Japan does do this, reports suggest it could happen early next month. That doesn't leave a lot of time. Between now, and then what will or can the Korean government and Korean companies do to get ready?
South Korean lawmakers are in Washington DC right now, and they'll be meeting with lawmakers from Japan and the U.S. too. This sounds like a very interesting opportunity for Korea to make some important points. What can we expect to come out of this?
We have the U.S. and China getting ready to engage in high level talks next week in Shanghai. A lot of anticipation for this since it'll be almost three months since the last time they met at this level. Stocks have risen because of this meeting. What do you see happening in Shanghai?
Alright, Dr. Kim. Good discussion. Thank you as always for coming in to share your insights.