[In-depth] Global Market Wrap-up _ 062119

  • 5 years ago
증시 대담

It's time now to take an in-depth look at the markets the major issues this week and more.
And for that, I'm happy to be joined in the studio by Dr. Kim Seiwan, economics professor at Ewha Womans University.
Thanks for coming in today, Dr. Kim.
You're welcome.
Amid an intensifying U.S.-China trade war, the leaders of both nations will meet at the G20 summit next week. Chinese President Xi Jinping is currently in North Korea and eyes are on whether this will have an effect on trade talks. Do you think Xi could use his trip as leverage in negotiations with Washington?
Now, the Fed has kept its key interest rate steady, but has hinted at future cuts due to possible risks from the trade war. If that happens, will this force the Bank of Korea to follow suit and ease monetary policy? If the BOK were to cut rates… when do you think it will come and by how much?
Now household debt in Korea continues to be a problem. Although the rate of debt increase has slowed recently, the amount of debt is still quite high. Also, more companies are struggling to pay off their debts. Are we in danger of increased credit risks and what should we look out for?
The government says it will boost Korea's manufacturing industry to revitalize the economy. The Moon administration is aiming to make Korea the world's fourth-largest manufacturing nation within the next 11 years. Why the manufacturing sector and why now?
In order to assess how practical President Moon's so-called "Manufacturing Renaissance Vision" will be, we have to look at the details of his plan. Are there any areas which need improvement?
Alright, Dr. Kim. That's where we'll have to leave it for today. We appreciate your insights and see you again soon.