In-depth: Global market wrap-up

  • 5 years ago
It's time now for an in-depth look at the market news on this Friday.
And for that, I'm joined by Dr. Kim Seiwan, Professor of Economics at Ewha Woman's University.
Dr. Kim, thank you for coming on today.
Thank you.
Today it's been 100 days since Japan imposed its trade restrictions on Korea. This was ultimately economic retaliation against Korea for political issues. One hundred days on, how are the two countries' economies doing?
Still, there's no sign of ties getting any better. We understand that Korean companies are on course to start running out of key materials they need from next month. What are these items and what can they do about it?
Samsung Electronics posted preliminary earnings better than expected for the third quarter at more than 7 trillion won. A little less than 6 billion dollars. For Samsung's smartphone business, earnings were up 30 percent from the quarter before. What stands out to you in these numbers?
The U.S. and China are in trade talks this week in Washington. A report from Bloomberg says the U.S. is considering a currency deal with China. How would this fit into the bigger picture, and if there is a deal big or small, what does it look like?
The World Economic Forum has release its rankings of countries in terms of competitiveness. Korea has risen to number 13, up two spots from last year. In what areas did Korea score well? And where it scored poorly what can be done about it?
Alright, Dr. Kim. Thanks for much for coming on.
We appreciate your insights.


