• 6 years ago
DIY Kitchen Herb Garden
Bookmark Article: https://www.cleverly.me/herb-garden

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Seasoning your dishes with fresh herbs is a fine thing. But not everyone has a herb garden in their backyard or enough space in their kitchen for all the plant pots. In which case, this indoor herb garden could provide a vertical solution to how you grow your plants.

You'll Need:

- 1 large flower pot
- 3 small flower pots
- 1 bamboo pole, 2 ft 4 in
- spray paint
- hot glue
- drip tray
- soil and plants

Here's How:

1. First, spray the pots with the color of your choice.

2. Once the paint is dry, place the largest pot on a drip tray and fill it with soil. Then stick the bamboo pole in the soil.

3. Now arrange the smaller flower pots along the bamboo, making sure to insert the bamboo through the hole in the bottom of each one.

4. Tilt the smaller pots and glue them in place where the rims of the pots meet the bamboo.

Plant every pot with different herbs and there you have it! A vertical herb garden with a rich selection of seasoning for your kitchen.
