Arturo Frondizi festejos sesquicentenario de mayo 1960

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: Celebration of the sesquicentennial Revolution of May 1810. General views of the military parade held on Avenida Del Libertador. Close-ups of the box of honor where the President of the Nation, Dr. Arturo Frondizi, is located; the archbishop of Buenos Aires, Monsignor Antonio Caggiano; diplomatic authorities and members of the official delegation. Close-ups of a Channel 7 camera covering the parade. General views of foreign military delegations participating in the parade. Close-ups of President Arturo Frondizi with his wife, Mrs. Elena Faggionato, entering a room where a reception for the guests is offered. (Ambient sound / No sound)
Date: 5/25/1960
Duration: 3 minutes 55 seconds
Film code: B-07251

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