Not Rated | 1h 20min | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | Video 2 November 2007
Fifty years after a world-wide zombie epidemic had begun, a small group of rebel soldiers learn that intelligent zombies have begun breeding humans for food
Director: David A. Prior
Writer: David A. Prior
Stars: Adam Mayfield, Alissa Koenig, Jim Hazelton
Fifty years after a world-wide zombie epidemic had begun, a small group of rebel soldiers learn that intelligent zombies have begun breeding humans for food
Director: David A. Prior
Writer: David A. Prior
Stars: Adam Mayfield, Alissa Koenig, Jim Hazelton
Short filmTranscript
00:00:00These were the darkest days the world has ever known.
00:00:14There were a lot of theories about how it happened.
00:00:18Some thought it had to do with the tale of a comet that had passed too close to the earth.
00:00:24Others simply believed it was time for man to atone for thousands of years of sinning.
00:00:28If that were true, it makes one wonder how long this would go on.
00:00:34It had already been some 50 years now, but no one really knew what brought them to life.
00:00:40They just came out of the ground, millions of them, and hungry.
00:05:18Right. Come on. Let's get out of here before swarms show up.
00:05:24Come on. Come on, move it!
00:05:29Those who were strong enough to survive the initial onslaught
00:05:32had taken up in small bands and trained as soldiers to fight them as best we could.
00:05:37Soldiers who would dedicate their lives to fighting a war that could not be won.
00:05:41A war of never-ending battles.
00:05:44One where all that winning meant is that you live another day.
00:05:48Men and women alike were trained in every type of combat imaginable
00:05:51from the time they were very young.
00:05:54It was a hard life. A very hard life.
00:05:57Every day filled with nightmares and heartache.
00:06:01But at least it was a life. And it was more than a lot of people had.
00:06:20Hey, man, put the girls in the cage. I'll go report to General.
00:06:23You know I don't like doing that.
00:06:25We don't have a choice.
00:06:27Can't take the chance they'll run away before we re-ed them.
00:06:42Sorry, ladies.
00:06:45Only temporary.
00:06:49Not my call.
00:06:52Now and then the soldiers would free some human slaves from the zombies.
00:06:56These were people who had lived their entire lives being controlled and raised by them.
00:07:01That is, until they were ready to be eaten.
00:07:13We're gonna have to come up with a good name for you.
00:07:19I know.
00:07:21I'm gonna call you Star.
00:07:26You know, star like up in the sky. Star.
00:07:34We'll work on it later.
00:07:38Okay, right now, I'm gonna get you all some grub.
00:07:42Food, you know? Mmm. Food? Mmm?
00:07:49Okay, hang tight. I'll get you some food.
00:07:53We worked hard to re-educate these slave people.
00:07:56We set up classes to teach them to talk and read and write.
00:08:00Because while living with the zombies, they had never even heard speech before.
00:08:04And then we would teach them to fight.
00:08:07And that is how we were able to slowly but steadily grow our numbers.
00:08:18How'd the patrol go?
00:08:20We ran into a handful of them, traveling with five female humans.
00:08:23Did you kill them all? Yeah, I think so.
00:08:25You think so or you did? There's a big difference.
00:08:28We did. Are you sure? Because if not, we gotta move camp right away.
00:08:32Those puss bags are smart. I'm sure.
00:08:35I ran the last one down.
00:08:37I got him and brought the five girls back.
00:08:39Girls? I need soldiers.
00:08:42Well, at least they're humans.
00:08:44We're gonna have to teach them.
00:08:46Get them into re-education as soon as possible.
00:08:48Maybe they'll be of some good use to us.
00:08:51Find out anything more about their base camp?
00:08:53No. We didn't make it that far before we ran into the ones we killed.
00:08:57And you know what commandment two is. Always save a human if you can.
00:09:01Of course I know what it is. I wrote it.
00:09:05You two go out again tomorrow morning and check out their base camp.
00:09:08We've got to know what they're doing.
00:09:10We'll head out at first light?
00:09:12Try not to use any more ammo.
00:09:14We're gonna need all we can get soon enough.
00:09:21Let's go.
00:09:36We've got a straggler.
00:09:39One o'clock, about 200 yards.
00:09:42I'm on it.
00:09:45Come on. Come on.
00:09:51It's too easy.
00:10:08What's up?
00:10:10I got some chicken on the fire that'll be done in a bit if you want some.
00:10:16Yeah, okay.
00:10:19You're thinking about Mom and Dad again, huh?
00:10:25Yeah. Yeah, I was.
00:10:30Well, actually, Dad.
00:10:35I was thinking how he used to sit around the fire, cleaning his gun while he'd tell his stories.
00:10:40Telling his stories, yeah.
00:10:44Yeah, I think about those days a lot, too.
00:10:48Yeah, no kidding.
00:10:50He sure did love to talk about how life was before the zombies came.
00:10:54Yeah, he did.
00:10:57All those stories about people living together in big cities.
00:11:01People just being people.
00:11:05It's kind of strange, doesn't it?
00:11:08Yeah, it does.
00:11:12It's hard to imagine, that's for sure.
00:11:15You ever think that maybe we were meant to live this kind of life?
00:11:20No, I don't believe I ever thought that.
00:11:24Maybe we were.
00:11:26Maybe Dad told us those stories so that we'd have something to believe in.
00:11:32Something to fight for.
00:11:37Knowing Dad, that's probably true.
00:11:41Maybe, just maybe he told us so that we'd be the ones to change things back to the way they were.
00:11:51Or at least get started.
00:11:54That's a lot to take in, man, you know.
00:11:57It is.
00:12:00A lot more to live up to.
00:12:05You think we can do it?
00:12:08Hell yeah, we can.
00:12:12Then we'll do it.
00:12:13We will?
00:12:17I gotta go check on the chicken.
00:12:21I'll talk to you later, man.
00:12:24All right, David.
00:12:32I miss Dad, too.
00:12:53Sometimes at night when the stars were out and things were calm, you could almost believe that you were in a normal world again.
00:13:00The way the world used to be, they tell me.
00:13:03Men, women, children living normal lives together.
00:13:12We hungry?
00:13:14Here you go, it's okay.
00:13:17There you go.
00:13:21Hey, come with me for a second.
00:13:25Come on, it's okay.
00:13:45This is food, okay?
00:14:02Yeah, that's really good.
00:14:05Here, go ahead and eat.
00:14:12I think it's time to go.
00:14:13Come on.
00:14:43Do it.
00:14:46Go ahead and do it.
00:14:58Come on, everybody out.
00:15:00Go, go.
00:15:04Come on.
00:15:16No, no.
00:15:24It's okay.
00:15:34Don't shoot.
00:15:40That was close.
00:15:41There's too damn many of them, we've got to make a run for it.
00:15:44What about David?
00:15:45He's on his own like we are.
00:15:47I'll sound the retreat and we'll meet up with him later.
00:15:49I'm not leaving him behind.
00:15:50We're not leaving anybody behind.
00:15:52He knows where to go after I sound the retreat.
00:15:58Okay, I think it's time to get out of here.
00:16:00Get out of here.
00:16:01Go, go, go, go.
00:16:04Come on, let's go.
00:16:08I'll be okay.
00:16:09Come on, damn it.
00:16:30Let's go.
00:17:01Come on.
00:17:09Stay as close to me as you can.
00:17:25Hey, Buzzy.
00:17:27We can count right away and find out how much water we've got, but...
00:17:30Buzz, check and see if my brother's here, will you?
00:17:33No problem.
00:17:35You know if he was here, we'd already know it.
00:17:37Yeah, I know.
00:17:38He's a good soldier.
00:17:40He'll be okay.
00:17:41I just hate the thought of him getting turned into one of those puss bags.
00:17:44I wouldn't worry about that.
00:17:45They're not going to do that to him.
00:17:46He's young and strong.
00:17:49I hope you're right.
00:17:52We'll get him back, Brian.
00:17:54One way or the other.
00:17:56That's the other part that worries me.
00:18:00We have 12 people total.
00:18:02Enough food and water to last us a couple of days.
00:18:05Only 12? Damn.
00:18:07I was hoping for more than that.
00:18:09Okay, we'll start rationing out the food and water and if anybody gives you a problem with it, just come to me.
00:18:14You got it, General.
00:18:16Come on, Brian, let's go get something to eat.
00:18:18We're going to need all of our strength if we're going to rescue the rest of them.
00:18:21I'll be right there.
00:18:23Come on, we'll eat and then we'll get on the radio.
00:18:26They might be at one of the other camps, who knows.
00:18:48That was a day we all remember.
00:18:51The day one of our most valuable soldiers, David, was captured by the undead and taken to their farm.
00:18:57The very thing he had spent his life fighting against was in fact the thing that enslaved him.
00:19:03It was a sad day for all of us.
00:19:05But at the same time, it was a day that would live on in our history as the day that began to turn the tide.
00:19:22That was the first time David had seen the farm.
00:19:25He was surprised at what the zombies had been able to accomplish on their own.
00:19:29They were actually breeding and growing people.
00:19:32Growing them to early adulthood for one reason and one reason only.
00:19:37To eat them.
00:19:40These zombies were different than any David had seen before.
00:19:43They actually had their own hierarchy.
00:19:45A leader, as it were, who barked out his orders in unintelligible grunts and groans.
00:19:50Nothing any human could really understand.
00:19:53David was the leader.
00:19:55David was the leader.
00:19:57David was the leader.
00:19:59David was the leader.
00:20:01David was the leader.
00:20:03David was the leader.
00:20:05David was the leader.
00:20:07Nothing any human could really understand, but apparently a way of communicating for them.
00:20:12David learned quickly that he couldn't let them hear him talk.
00:20:15At least not the leaders.
00:20:17For that would certainly be his undoing.
00:20:24Get off me, pussbag.
00:20:37Get off me.
00:21:07Get off me.
00:21:37Get off me.
00:22:07Get off me.
00:22:24No, no, no.
00:22:26We're together, see?
00:22:28Me and her.
00:22:30Me and her, get it?
00:22:32What am I saying, you don't get it?
00:22:35You don't get it either, do you?
00:23:01How's it going, Jo?
00:23:05As good as it can be.
00:23:07You know me, boss, I just roll with the punches.
00:23:09I hear ya.
00:23:11How are we looking on the ammunition?
00:23:13We got plenty of lead.
00:23:15Not a lot of powder.
00:23:17Couple hundred rounds maybe, but that's it.
00:23:20Make as many lead heads as you can and I'll see what I can do to round up some more powder.
00:23:24Whatever you say, boss.
00:23:27You lived with them for a while, right?
00:23:31Yeah, I did.
00:23:33That is, up until about the time I was 20 years old or so, best I can figure.
00:23:38But, you know, of course, I can't say for certain.
00:23:42I didn't know how to count back then.
00:23:44One of our guys was captured by them.
00:23:47What do you think his chances of survival are?
00:23:53You know, that's a very tough question.
00:23:55I just want your opinion, Jo. Nothing I'm gonna hold you to.
00:23:59Well, pretty much depends on the person, you know.
00:24:03If he's smart and keeps his mouth shut, he'll be okay for a little while.
00:24:06At least, you know, until they figure out what to do with him.
00:24:09And who knows if they think he's useful.
00:24:12They may keep him alive for quite a long time.
00:24:16But, you know, if he's the hard-headed type, talks in front of him...
00:24:26Well, you know...
00:24:28Just say it, Jo.
00:24:30If he talks, they'll just eat him, sir.
00:24:36Who are we talking about here?
00:24:42Oh, David.
00:24:45Guy with a smart mouth, right?
00:24:47That's him, all right.
00:24:49Hopefully, our smart young buck will hold his tongue.
00:24:54That's the best we can hope for, then, isn't it?
00:24:57I'll let you get back to work now.
00:25:05That boy's in big trouble.
00:25:09Are you sure?
00:25:12Yeah, I appreciate it.
00:25:14Thanks, Eagle 4. Eagle 7 out.
00:25:29I don't figure it as much.
00:25:31We just have to figure that they've got him and they're holding him.
00:25:34Yeah, either that or...
00:25:36No. No second guessing.
00:25:38They've got him and we've got to get him back.
00:25:40That's the only way we can think about it. You understand me?
00:25:43Yeah, I do.
00:25:45Get this.
00:25:47We weren't the only ones attacked last night.
00:25:49Who else?
00:25:51Everyone? What do you mean, everyone?
00:25:53All 12 camps.
00:25:55Goons hit us all at the same time.
00:25:56Get the hell out of here.
00:25:58All 12 camps at once?
00:26:00All 12.
00:26:01My God.
00:26:03That takes a great deal of organization.
00:26:06They're getting far too smart, man.
00:26:09We're going to lose this thing if we don't make a move of our own.
00:26:12And soon.
00:26:14I'm ready. Let's go now.
00:26:16Not soon, Bri.
00:26:18But it's not going to be long.
00:26:20Trust me.
00:26:22As soon as I can organize the other camps, we'll go.
00:26:25I promise you that.
00:26:57Yeah, food.
00:27:05And as much as some things had changed,
00:27:07others had remained the same as they had always been.
00:27:45Can you talk?
00:27:50I'm going to give you about five seconds
00:27:52to convince me not to kill you right now.
00:27:56I saw them bring you in this morning.
00:27:59I was working in the garden.
00:28:01I knew you were an outsider.
00:28:03A soldier.
00:28:04I just knew it.
00:28:08She's okay. Don't worry about her.
00:28:10She's hot.
00:28:12I think maybe one night I could cut me the nipple or not.
00:28:17I forgot I said it.
00:28:19Lucky you got studying duty.
00:28:21Beats the hell out of working in the fields.
00:28:24You were saying?
00:28:26Oh, yeah.
00:28:28I was with Eagle Nine until I got captured
00:28:30and brought in about five years ago.
00:28:34I'd pretty much given up hope until I saw you this morning.
00:28:43What's your name?
00:28:45I'm David.
00:28:50You used to call me Sliver.
00:28:55Okay, Sliver. How'd you get in here?
00:28:58I sneak around the farm a lot.
00:29:00Pretty good at sneaking around.
00:29:02That's how I got my name.
00:29:04Well, then why don't you just run away?
00:29:06Because I don't know where to go.
00:29:08I don't even know if there's anybody out there still.
00:29:11And if they catch you running,
00:29:13they don't just bring you back.
00:29:15They eat your ass.
00:29:20I know where to go.
00:29:22Oh, man, that's just what I was hoping to hear.
00:29:26Listen, can you get me a pencil and a paper
00:29:29so I can make a map of the farm?
00:29:32I don't know, but I can see what I can do.
00:29:37I'm gonna trust you.
00:29:39If you keep that trust, I'll get you out of here.
00:29:42If you break that trust, I'll kill you myself,
00:29:45and I'll feed you to the wolves.
00:29:47I'll kill you myself, and I'll feed you to these goons.
00:29:50Do you understand?
00:29:52Yeah, that's no problem at all.
00:29:57You see what you can get me,
00:29:59and you meet me back here same time tomorrow night.
00:30:02Can you do that?
00:30:10Thanks for talking to me.
00:30:14Yeah, man.
00:30:18And so it went.
00:30:20The hours turned into days, and the days turned into more days,
00:30:24and very little else changed in almost two weeks.
00:30:27David was, however, able to put together a crude map of the farm
00:30:31and where he was being held.
00:30:33He carried it with him every second of every day,
00:30:35just waiting for the right chance to plant it on one of the zombies
00:30:38that would go out into the woods on a regular basis.
00:30:41He reasoned that if any of the people out there killed that zombie
00:30:44and found the map, they would know he was here
00:30:46because the map carried his mark, which was well known among the humans.
00:30:50David knew this was a long shot, maybe a really long shot.
00:30:54It might take one trip or a hundred trips,
00:30:56but at the same time it was the only shot he had.
00:30:59And while he waited for that chance,
00:31:01he spent a few hours every night teaching his new friend to talk.
00:31:05The young lady learned quickly for someone who had been brought up by the undead.
00:31:09Getting her to say the words was the easy part.
00:31:12The hard part was getting her to understand them.
00:31:15One thing she knew instinctively was not to talk in front of the zombies.
00:31:19He didn't have to teach her that.
00:31:21That was because she had grown up here
00:31:23and had seen what happened to people who talked out loud probably too many times.
00:31:28Sliver came in to see David almost every night,
00:31:31and it would seem that they were starting to become pretty good friends.
00:31:34After all, he was the only one David could really talk to,
00:31:38and that counts for a lot in a place like this.
00:31:41But it would be unwise to mistake that for trust.
00:31:44David would use him for as much as he could,
00:31:46but he wasn't about to trust anyone in this place.
00:31:50Then the day David was waiting for finally came.
00:31:54Hit me.
00:31:57Hit me.
00:31:58Hit me!
00:32:14Hit me!
00:32:24David knew there was something wrong the second he saw that bar of soap.
00:32:27There was no way in the world these undead things had made that.
00:32:31They may have figured out how to farm humans for their food,
00:32:34but they were not sophisticated enough to make soap.
00:32:36No way.
00:32:38Something else was going on here,
00:32:40and he was determined to find out what it was,
00:32:42one way or the other.
00:33:09Surprised to see me?
00:33:11You're not the only one who can sneak around.
00:33:14I don't understand what's going on.
00:33:16I want to know where the hell the soap comes from, and you better talk fast.
00:33:19I don't know.
00:33:21Not good enough.
00:33:24Tell me where it comes from.
00:33:25I don't know.
00:33:27Bullshit, I think you do. I think there's something you're not telling me.
00:33:30Look, I saw a couple of guns.
00:33:32They took it in the case, and that's all I know. I swear.
00:33:36Where'd they get it?
00:33:37I don't know.
00:33:39Where'd they get it?
00:33:40I don't know.
00:33:42Well, I know damn well that they don't make it themselves,
00:33:44and they have to get it from somewhere.
00:33:46Tell me where it comes from.
00:33:47I don't know.
00:33:48Where'd they get it?
00:33:49I'm telling you the truth.
00:33:50Where does it come from?
00:33:51I don't know, but...
00:33:58All right.
00:34:00All right.
00:34:02Sorry about that.
00:34:05It's all right.
00:34:07I'd be pissed, too.
00:34:12I know it hard.
00:34:13That's what I do.
00:34:15Do you think you can find out where that soap comes from?
00:34:17I don't know.
00:34:19I could try.
00:34:20You do that.
00:34:22I gotta get back before the patrol goes through the barn.
00:34:25No hard feelings?
00:34:28I'm a workful man.
00:34:30All right.
00:34:31Later, man.
00:35:04Come on.
00:35:34Come on.
00:36:04Come on.
00:36:35And one day, strange things started to happen.
00:36:39Things that none of us had ever even thought of before.
00:36:46You wanted to see me, Sliver?
00:36:48How are you doing this evening, sir?
00:36:50I'd be doing a lot better if I wasn't out here.
00:36:52Let's get this over with.
00:36:54What did you want to tell me?
00:36:55There's an outsider in the camp.
00:36:58He's a soldier.
00:36:59A soldier?
00:37:00Are you certain?
00:37:01I would say so.
00:37:03Are you certain?
00:37:04Oh, yeah.
00:37:05They brought him in from the woods a couple weeks ago with some of the runaways.
00:37:09I made friends with him.
00:37:11You made friends with him?
00:37:13That was smart.
00:37:14But I don't think he trusts me.
00:37:16Why does he need to trust you?
00:37:18I think he got a message out to his regiment.
00:37:23That could be a problem.
00:37:25Look, you keep an eye on him.
00:37:26I'll discuss the situation with the council and I'll get back to you.
00:37:30Yes, sir.
00:37:31And Sliver, you better be prepared to kill him if the council deems it necessary.
00:37:36To kill him, sir?
00:37:38Do you have a problem with that?
00:37:40Well, he is a human, sir.
00:37:43Look, you know what's at stake here.
00:37:45We need to take every step necessary to ensure our safety.
00:37:48You got that?
00:37:50Yes, I understand, sir.
00:37:52Don't worry.
00:37:53You can count on me.
00:37:55I better be able to count on you.
00:37:57I'll see you back here tomorrow night at the same time.
00:37:59You got it?
00:38:01All right.
00:38:09What are you doing, Brian?
00:38:12Going hunting.
00:38:13We're running a little low on food.
00:38:16Stripped a little heavy for game hunting, aren't you?
00:38:19You never know what you might run into out there.
00:38:21Is this true?
00:38:24Tell you what.
00:38:25Give me five minutes to get my gear and I'll go with you.
00:38:28I think I can handle this alone.
00:38:30You probably can.
00:38:32Like you said, you never know what you might run into.
00:38:36Five minutes.
00:38:58Come on.
00:39:28Come on.
00:40:32What the hell are you doing?
00:40:33Only what I have to.
00:40:43I think.
00:40:44It's only a little scratch.
00:40:46I think you'll live.
00:40:47You could have said duck or something.
00:40:50Did we get them all?
00:40:51Yeah, I think so.
00:40:53Let's go check out those boxes.
00:40:59And some things began to get even stranger yet.
00:41:02Things that should not be happening.
00:41:04Things that our people could not explain no matter how hard they may have tried.
00:41:23What is it?
00:41:24I don't know.
00:41:26Let's find out.
00:41:33What is this?
00:41:35Looks like beans of some sort.
00:41:40Hmm. Tastes pretty good too.
00:41:42Let me try that.
00:41:47Yeah, that is good.
00:41:49Where the hell did it come from?
00:41:50That's the question, ain't it?
00:41:52They damn sure didn't can it and I know they didn't make it.
00:41:55They don't eat it either.
00:41:57No, I don't.
00:41:59Let's check out some of the others.
00:42:04This one is corn.
00:42:12This one's little potatoes.
00:42:17Damn tasty ones too.
00:42:24I'd say we had a pretty damn good hunt today.
00:42:26Yeah, we did.
00:42:27We gotta figure out where this came from.
00:42:29First thing is we gotta get all this back to camp and there's no way we can carry it all by ourselves.
00:42:33You go back to camp.
00:42:36Take one with you.
00:42:37Send some muscle back to get some more.
00:42:39Alright, well you pull the rest of it off the path in case the goons come through.
00:42:42I don't want them to get any of it back.
00:42:44That's why you're the boss.
00:42:45We might not make it back before dark, so make yourself scarce, listen for my signal.
00:42:49Don't worry about me.
00:42:50Look, if anything happens, don't be a hero.
00:42:52Just come back to the base camp, okay?
00:42:54Is that an order?
00:42:55No, different.
00:42:57Okay, Mom. Just go.
00:42:59Told you not to call me that.
00:43:25It's okay.
00:43:50It's okay.
00:43:55It's okay.
00:44:25Sorry, fucking pussy.
00:45:26So, what's the word?
00:45:28I talked to the council.
00:45:30We decided this soldier of yours has gotta go.
00:45:34Look, you can expose him to the ghouls and let them kill him or you can do it yourself.
00:45:37It doesn't really matter. Just get it done.
00:45:41Look, Sliver, we can't allow this one guy to compromise everything we all work so hard for.
00:45:45You got that?
00:45:47I understand.
00:45:48Be sure that you do.
00:45:50And here, take this.
00:45:51I understand.
00:45:52Be sure that you do.
00:45:54And here, take this.
00:45:55We put the militia on high alert.
00:45:57Anything else happens, call them.
00:45:59They'll be here in an hour.
00:46:01Got it?
00:46:02I got it all.
00:46:03Don't worry.
00:46:05And remember one thing.
00:46:06What's that?
00:46:09There's a lot of people counting on you.
00:46:22What the hell are you, Brian?
00:46:25Right here, General.
00:46:29I thought I'd lost you.
00:46:35Not a chance.
00:46:39Because I don't think I could take that.
00:46:46Me too.
00:46:48Me too.
00:46:55Wipe your eyes.
00:46:56See, this helps you.
00:46:58Take a look at this.
00:47:03It's David's mark.
00:47:07You didn't just go?
00:47:09Well, I did.
00:47:13I thought about you when I came back.
00:47:15I'm glad you did.
00:47:18You know this doesn't mean...
00:47:20I know.
00:47:21It doesn't mean he's alive.
00:47:23We have to assume he is.
00:47:25Oh, yeah.
00:47:27Come on, let's get these crates back to camp,
00:47:29and we'll sit down and put a plan together to rescue your little brother.
00:47:33That's what I want to hear.
00:47:34Let's go.
00:47:38Come on.
00:47:40Come on.
00:47:55Yes, kiss.
00:48:04Kiss good?
00:48:08It sure is.
00:48:18Kiss good?
00:48:20It sure is.
00:48:36What's up?
00:48:37I don't know.
00:48:39Not much at all.
00:48:40Just thought I'd check in, see what's up, if anything.
00:48:45Yeah, there's something I want to tell you.
00:48:48Yeah, what's that?
00:48:53You know, there's a big difference between killing a man
00:48:55and killing one of those puss heads out there.
00:48:58That'll count, they're already dead, but...
00:49:02To kill a real, flesh and blood human being,
00:49:05well, that takes an entirely different kind of person.
00:49:10So why are you telling me this?
00:49:12I just thought it was something you should know, that's all.
00:49:15There's one other thing.
00:49:17Yeah, what's that?
00:49:19You better be damn sure that you're that kind of person
00:49:20before you pull that knife out.
00:49:22Because if you hesitate for even a fraction of a second,
00:49:24I'm going to take that knife from you and I'm going to cut your eyeballs out.
00:49:29So what's it going to be, Sliver?
00:49:35We're good.
00:49:37We're good.
00:49:45I'm glad to hear that.
00:49:47What, do you want the knife?
00:49:50No, I just want to shake your hand, that's all.
00:49:56You're a good man, Sliver, I mean it.
00:50:00I appreciate that.
00:50:03But, uh...
00:50:06There's some things I need to tell you, and...
00:50:09I don't think you're going to like them.
00:50:13Yeah, I figured as much.
00:50:15And that is when David first learned the real truth about this farm.
00:50:18How it started, and who kept it running like it did.
00:50:33Where are they?
00:50:36Okay, what's going on?
00:50:38I'm just joking with you, Brian.
00:50:40There's no alarm?
00:50:43Okay, that's not very funny.
00:50:45It was pretty damn funny to me.
00:50:50I promise I won't do it again, okay?
00:51:01No worries, General.
00:51:03Got some good news for you.
00:51:06In about two hours, we leave to go meet the other regiments.
00:51:09And we're going after David.
00:51:13It's about damn time.
00:51:32You think they're coming today?
00:51:34It's hard to say.
00:51:38I'm running out of time.
00:51:40If they find out I didn't kill you, they're going to come after me.
00:51:46You think you can get me a gun?
00:51:48That's a pretty tall order.
00:51:52Can you do it?
00:51:57I think so.
00:52:00Do it as fast as you can.
00:52:02If my people don't come soon, we're going to break out of here on our own.
00:52:06Isn't that a bit risky?
00:52:10You're just going to have to do what I tell you to do.
00:52:13You're going to have to do what I tell you to do.
00:52:16You're going to have to do what I tell you to do.
00:52:19You're going to have to do what I tell you to do.
00:52:21You're going to have to trust me.
00:52:26Okay, yeah.
00:52:38Looks like we're the first ones here.
00:52:41Everybody take a break.
00:52:44How long are we going to wait?
00:52:46At least for a couple of hours.
00:52:48Get comfortable.
00:52:51I think that's going to happen.
00:52:57This was always the worst part of being in this godforsaken place.
00:53:01The time when the undead tasted the food of their labor and ate a couple of humans they had raised.
00:53:07Four to six of them a day, sometimes more.
00:53:11It's a horrible way to die.
00:53:14What's going on, sliver?
00:53:15I gave you that phone to call the militia in case you had a problem, not to bother me.
00:53:20Yes, sir. I know.
00:53:23Good. I'm glad you know.
00:53:27Well, what? What do you want?
00:53:29Well, sir, I need a gun.
00:53:32You need a gun?
00:53:34Are you telling me you can't get this thing done without a gun?
00:53:37I went to see him with a knife, but he's just too big.
00:53:43He'd kill me for sure.
00:53:45Jesus, sliver, how the hell did you get this job anyway?
00:53:48I volunteered.
00:53:50Never mind. It's a rhetorical... forget it.
00:53:54Look, I'm going to give you this gun.
00:53:57But you better make damn sure you get the job done, understand?
00:54:01Yes, sir. I understand perfectly.
00:54:03You better get it done, sliver.
00:54:05Or those zombies will be having sliver and onions for dinner. Got it?
00:54:09Don't worry. I will get it done.
00:54:11Make sure you do, sliver.
00:54:14Make sure you do.
00:54:33Name's Cap. Leader of the Eagle Three.
00:54:36General Eagle Seven.
00:54:38Is this all you got?
00:54:39Well, they're not many.
00:54:41They aren't too pretty either, but they're damn good fighters.
00:54:45I'm sure they are.
00:54:47Any word from the others?
00:54:50I don't want to say this in front of everyone. Let's walk.
00:54:58Spit it out. What the hell's going on?
00:55:00The other regiments aren't coming.
00:55:02Why the hell not?
00:55:04To be honest with you, I don't really know.
00:55:06But I think it's got something to do with this.
00:55:07To be honest with you, I don't really know.
00:55:09But I think it's got something to do with that zombie farm where your man's being held.
00:55:12Well, that makes no sense to me because I thought we were all in this together.
00:55:15I know. That's the way I see it, too.
00:55:17But I think there's some people that might see it differently.
00:55:19How so?
00:55:21Well, there's some people who think that farm is a good idea.
00:55:29Are you trying to tell me that there are people behind what happened inside that farm?
00:55:32I can't answer that.
00:55:34Why not?
00:55:35I don't know.
00:55:37It's just a hunch I got.
00:55:40Well, if there are, they're going to die with those puss bags.
00:55:46I'll understand if you want to go.
00:55:50That's not my style.
00:55:52We're with you all the way.
00:55:54Glad to hear it.
00:55:56When do you want to move out?
00:55:58Right now.
00:55:59Let's do it.
00:56:03Star, listen to me.
00:56:05We're getting out of here really soon, okay?
00:56:08We're going. When we do, all hell is going to break loose, so I need you to stay close.
00:56:14Do you understand?
00:56:16Stay close.
00:56:23Stay close.
00:56:25That's right.
00:56:27That's right, Star.
00:56:47What's up, Noah?
00:56:49I got what you asked for.
00:56:54How'd you get it so quick?
00:56:56I went to my people and I told them I needed it to kill you.
00:56:59You only have one clip and 15 rounds, so you better make it count.
00:57:05Create a diversion outside in 15 minutes.
00:57:07When you hear gunfire, go into the woods and run east. You got that?
00:57:12East. I got it.
00:57:16We're getting out of here, baby.
00:57:23We're getting out of here today.
00:57:29Let's go.
00:57:30Let's go.
00:57:58Hey! Hey, come again!
00:58:00Come on, you freakin' pushbacks!
00:58:02Come on! Come on!
00:58:04David, now's the time, man! Do your thing!
00:58:07Come on!
00:58:10Time to go.
00:58:12Come on.
00:58:28Come on, you fuckers! Come on!
00:58:31Let's go, man!
00:58:35Come on, let's go! Come on!
00:58:44You want to live, don't you?
00:58:47Yeah. Live.
00:58:50You can talk.
00:58:53What's your name?
00:58:56Okay, John. I want you to get these people out of here and follow me. Got it?
00:59:21The woods, man! Go for the woods!
00:59:29John! John!
00:59:34I need you to take them all into the woods. Okay?
00:59:37Start. I want you to...
00:59:40I want you to go with him. Okay? Go. With him. Understand? Go.
00:59:47Take care of her.
00:59:57Hey, puss heads!
01:00:05Get to the woods, man! Do it now!
01:00:24Fuck you!
01:00:27You don't have the balls to fight me yourself, do you, asshole?
01:00:49Kill him! Kill them all!
01:00:57Come on! Get out! Go, go, go! To the woods! Get to the woods!
01:01:05Oh, shit!
01:01:17Thanks, man.
01:01:36Good to see you, man.
01:01:37Good to see you.
01:01:38Come on, let's get out of here.
01:01:40No way. There's still people here.
01:01:44We gotta get them out.
01:01:45Let's go.
01:01:47Follow me.
01:01:59Show off.
01:02:00Who, me?
01:02:48Oh, shit.
01:03:21This is David! Come on!
01:03:57Whoa, man, don't shoot me.
01:03:59Christ, man, you damn near gave me a heart attack.
01:04:02Didn't mean to.
01:04:04Come on, let's get the hell out of here.
01:04:05Have you seen Star?
01:04:07My girl, man. My girl.
01:04:09Yeah. Yeah, she was heading to the woods a little bit ago.
01:04:12I gotta go.
01:04:14My girl.
01:04:15Yeah. Yeah, she was heading to the woods a little bit ago.
01:04:18I gotta find her.
01:04:19Let's go.
01:04:36What's the matter, puss-head? You don't like that?
01:04:38Get away from me, you maggot factory.
01:04:41What's the matter? Cat got your tongue, huh?
01:04:44Oh, I forgot.
01:04:45Probably ate the damn thing, didn't you?
01:04:48You hungry, boy? Huh? You hungry? Huh?
01:04:50You wanna take a bite of me?
01:04:53Cap, over there.
01:04:57What the hell are you guys doing?
01:04:59Ah, nothing, boss. Just having a little fun.
01:05:02Well, just kill the damn thing and get it over with.
01:05:04We got work to do.
01:05:06You heard the boss.
01:05:07Sorry, buddy.
01:05:09Let's get out of here.
01:05:22Look who I found.
01:05:23David. Damn, it's good to see you alive.
01:05:26It's good to be alive.
01:05:27Well, come here.
01:05:29Okay. Okay, big guy. That's enough.
01:05:32Has anybody seen Star?
01:05:35Okay, that's enough.
01:05:37Has anybody seen Star?
01:05:39Good-looking girl? Long hair?
01:05:42I gotta find her.
01:05:48She was over there in the woods just a few minutes ago.
01:05:53Right over there.
01:05:55I saved her from one of those puss-bags.
01:05:57And then we got attacked by another one and she ran off while I was fighting it.
01:06:03Which way did she go?
01:06:04I don't know, man. She just ran off.
01:06:08I gotta find her, you guys.
01:06:09General, this is Sliver. He has some things he wants to tell you about this place that you need to know.
01:06:13He's a good man. You can trust him.
01:06:16Let me send somebody with you.
01:06:19I'm on it, boss.
01:06:20No. No, that's okay. This won't take long, really.
01:06:22He's going with you, David. No excuses. No arguments.
01:06:34Okay, guys.
01:06:36Start tearing this place down.
01:06:38I don't want to see anything left standing.
01:06:44Let's take a walk, you and me.
01:06:50You taught me how to paint when I was ten years old.
01:06:54Remember, Dad?
01:06:57By the time I was eleven, I painted the entire exterior of the house.
01:07:06Therapy, you called it.
01:07:08Why, Dad? What for? I was ten.
01:07:13You say it was more like abuse.
01:07:15No, Mother. I'm not being too tough on him.
01:07:18If he had listened to me in the first place, everything would be fine.
01:07:21I mean, look. Look around you. This system works perfectly.
01:07:25I mean, helping them out is maybe a little odd, but you know what?
01:07:29Those humans have to raise them like animals.
01:07:31They don't know what they're missing.
01:07:32They're just like cows back in the day.
01:07:34You know, they got a roof over their heads.
01:07:36They eat. They have sex all the time.
01:07:38But me? I can't even piss in the woods without worrying about some pusshead jumping all over my ass.
01:07:47Now, look.
01:07:49Damn it.
01:07:54Alright, that's it. I'm done.
01:07:56I can't do this anymore.
01:07:57I needed to bring you here.
01:07:58I needed to find out if there was anything left inside. Something.
01:08:02But you know what?
01:08:03There's nothing.
01:08:04Absolutely nothing.
01:08:09And so,
01:08:11Mother dear,
01:08:22Ladies first.
01:08:25You should have listened to me, Dad.
01:08:31So, what's the girl look like?
01:08:35Probably the best looking girl you'll ever see.
01:08:38To me.
01:08:40I'll take your word for it.
01:08:50Damn it.
01:08:58Damn it.
01:09:02Damn it.
01:09:12You were right, Cap.
01:09:13There's a town just a few miles down this road.
01:09:16This farm was started and supplied by them.
01:09:19Are you sure?
01:09:21He's from there.
01:09:23It's true, man.
01:09:27So what do we do about it?
01:09:29I say we pay them a visit.
01:09:31I say sounds like a plan.
01:09:46Something I can do for you, darling.
01:09:49Well, I was hoping to get through here.
01:09:51Think that's possible?
01:09:52Where'd you come from, sweetheart?
01:09:54There's nothing but zombies out there.
01:09:56Oh, there's lots of people out there.
01:09:58Lots of them.
01:10:00Like me.
01:10:02Like you.
01:10:04Well, not exactly like me.
01:10:08Know what I mean?
01:10:09I know exactly what you mean.
01:10:11So what do you say, boys?
01:10:13You gonna let me pass?
01:10:16Oh, come on.
01:10:18I really need to get through here.
01:10:20It's a matter of life or death.
01:10:22Whose life or death?
01:10:24Very possibly yours.
01:10:39Sorry, boys.
01:10:41But we're going through.
01:10:43If you want to live,
01:10:45you'll let us walk through when we come back.
01:10:47Got it, darling?
01:11:05Hey, man.
01:11:06We've been at this for a couple hours.
01:11:07Don't you think we ought to go back?
01:11:09Okay, okay.
01:11:10I was just thinking out loud.
01:11:21Star, is that you?
01:11:32Star, is that you?
01:11:33Is that you?
01:11:51Where's my gun?
01:12:15I got careless.
01:12:19Just get it over with.
01:12:22Look, man, I...
01:12:23Just do it!
01:12:25I don't want to be one of them.
01:12:34Well, thank you all for coming.
01:12:36As usual, we'll start our meeting off with a short prayer.
01:12:40We'll all bow our heads.
01:12:43Dear God, we thank you for the gifts you give us each day.
01:12:48We thank you for protecting us from evil.
01:12:53And we ask for your strength and courage
01:12:56in our fight against the undead.
01:12:59We don't fight them.
01:13:00We feed them.
01:13:09Who the hell are you?
01:13:10The person who's going to put a bullet in your head
01:13:12if you don't shut up and sit down.
01:13:17What is this?
01:13:19You heard the lady.
01:13:21I thought you had listened to her.
01:13:24I'm not going to tell you again.
01:13:26And wipe that shitty look off your face,
01:13:28or I'll shoot you just for fun.
01:13:38We don't like being here any more
01:13:39than you guys want us to be here,
01:13:40so I'm going to make this short and sweet.
01:13:43That farm that you guys set up,
01:13:45I'm going to make it short and sweet.
01:13:48I'm going to make it short and sweet.
01:13:51I'm going to make it short and sweet.
01:13:53I'm going to make it short and sweet.
01:13:55It's done.
01:13:59Burned up.
01:14:01If you even try to set up another one,
01:14:02I will break my own commandment
01:14:03and come back to this town
01:14:05and kill every single living person here.
01:14:08No exceptions.
01:14:10The farm was the only way
01:14:12we could keep them out of the town.
01:14:15You don't need to show them
01:14:16how to breed humans to survive.
01:14:18We're proof of that.
01:14:20We only did what we had to do.
01:14:36He had a gun.
01:14:41Anyone else want to get cute?
01:14:47I don't care what you do now.
01:14:49If you want to join us and fight the puss heads,
01:14:51you're more than welcome to.
01:14:53If not, you're welcome to that too.
01:14:55But no more farms.
01:14:59Or the next time you see me,
01:15:01it'll be the last five seconds of your life.
01:15:04Come on, let's go.
01:15:06Being around these people make me sick.
01:15:14Me too.
01:15:26Hey, we got a live one.
01:15:29400 yards, one o'clock.
01:15:33Let's light him up.
01:15:56We always honored our dead
01:15:58with the greatest of respect
01:16:00and gratitude for their bravery
01:16:02and sacrifice.
01:16:04But this time it was different.
01:16:06Especially for me.
01:16:13We found David's body
01:16:15before the goons got to it
01:16:17and took it back to the farm.
01:16:19It's been a long time
01:16:21since we've seen David's body.
01:16:22We found David's body
01:16:24before the goons got to it
01:16:26and took it back to our camp
01:16:28to give him a real funeral.
01:16:30The kind of funeral a soldier deserves.
01:16:32We didn't put bodies in the ground anymore.
01:16:34The only way to give someone a funeral
01:16:36was to burn them.
01:16:38If we buried them,
01:16:40the zombies would pick up
01:16:42on the scent of fresh meat
01:16:44and dig them up for food.
01:16:46But we were going to make sure
01:16:48that wasn't going to happen to David.
01:16:50He was a soldier.
01:16:52He will never be forgotten.
01:16:54I will make damn sure
01:16:56that his son knows all there is to know about him.
01:16:58And who knows,
01:17:00maybe someday little David
01:17:02will be the one who leads us all to victory.
01:17:23Listen up, motherfucker!
01:17:29Hey, cunt!
01:17:31Why you crying?
01:17:33Got your name up in the lights
01:17:35Super junkie
01:17:37Super flunky
01:17:41someone else's monkey
01:17:43Yeah, right
01:17:45It comes and comes
01:17:47and comes around
01:17:49You're gonna reap what you sow
01:17:50You're gonna reap what you sow
01:17:52You fuckin'
01:17:54Go fuck
01:17:58That's what you gotta do
01:18:00Go fuck
01:18:04I don't care about you
01:18:08No, I fuckin' don't
01:18:09No, I fuckin' don't
01:18:19Hey, baby
01:18:21What's the deal?
01:18:23Can't hide behind your crooked smile
01:18:25Super model
01:18:27Super whore
01:18:29Bigger face
01:18:31above the floor
01:18:33Yeah, right
01:18:35It comes and comes
01:18:37and comes around
01:18:39You get what you deserve
01:18:41You skanky little bitch
01:18:43Go fuck
01:18:47That's what you gotta do
01:18:49Go fuck
01:18:53That's all I got
01:18:55Go fuck
01:18:59What the fuck are you gonna do?
01:19:01Go fuck
01:19:05I don't care about you
01:19:10No, I don't
01:19:46Go fuck
01:19:50That's what you gotta do
01:19:52Go fuck
01:19:56Cause I don't care about you
01:19:58Go fuck
01:20:02That's what you gotta do
01:20:04Go fuck
01:20:07I don't care about you