UFO (Orb) fleet

  • 16 years ago
Okanagan, BC, Canada, November 2nd, 2008 around supper time.
I filmed this right after a rainbow, which is why I had grabbed my camera to begin with. The rainbow was gone by the time I had my camera, but these countless orbs filled the sky. It was nearly impossible to capture a good shot. I did the best that I could do. They stayed in formation for the most part and then drifted off. The sighting lasted about 10 minutes.

I have a longer version of the video, but the compression program on the site makes other portions hard to see, however the original is much clearer and is amazing. 2 days later I am still shaking a bit.

Please do not copy my video unauthoized. A couple people already have, hense why I have not uploaded the whole thing.

Be blessed,

