Glover 64 Review & Gameplay On Nintendo 64 (Old Video)

  • 5 years ago

Hey everyone, here is an old video of mine that I added on January 17th, 2014 on my Nintendo64Fanatic64 channel on YouTube. Then I added this to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on my Social Media on September 7th, 2018. Now it is added to my TheVideoGamer64 channel on Vlare, DailyMotion, and Bitchute on June 9th, 2019. I apologize for the bad quality in advance.

I reviewed / showed gameplay of one of my favorite underrated platforming game on the Nintendo 64. Glover 64 was released on the Nintendo 64 in the year of 1998 by Hasbro. The PS1 and PC version of Glover were both released later on in 1999. I hope that you all truly enjoy this old video that I uploaded on here. Feel free to subscribe me on this channel to see more videos on here. Also feel free to check out my Social Media to see videos on there as well. Enjoy the video everyone ! :)