Stunt Racer 64 Review & Gameplay On Nintendo 64 (Old Video)

  • 5 years ago
#StuntRacer64 #StuntRacer #Nintendo64
In this old video of mine, I review and show gameplay a rare game on the Nintendo 64.It is one of the rarest Nintendo 64 games ever! It's the rarest game that I have ever played! This is an old video that I done when I was SegaSaturnGamer48 at the time. (Now I'm known as TheVideoGamer64 obviously.) This was recorded on my old tablet on November 3rd, 2013. Now it's on my DailyMotion channel on July 13th, 2019. It was one of the first videos that I have ever done! I apologize for the bad quality of this video! I hope you all enjoy this video on my channel! Feel free to follow me on my TheVideoGamer64 channel on here to see more videos on here as well! Enjoy everyone! :)
