How To Hit Hooks, Draws, Slices & Cuts
Learn how to hit hooks, how to hit draws, how to hit slices and how to hit cuts. Learn how to curve the ball around a dogleg or into a tough pin placement on the golf course. Knowing how to curve the ball is a great thing to have in your golf bag especially when you are playing a tough golf course where you might need to hit a draw or a cut on many of the golf holes. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will show you how to hit hooks, draws, slices and cuts so you have a better understanding of the curvature of your ball flight.
Learn how to hit hooks, how to hit draws, how to hit slices and how to hit cuts. Learn how to curve the ball around a dogleg or into a tough pin placement on the golf course. Knowing how to curve the ball is a great thing to have in your golf bag especially when you are playing a tough golf course where you might need to hit a draw or a cut on many of the golf holes. In this video Golf Instructor, Jaacob Bowden will show you how to hit hooks, draws, slices and cuts so you have a better understanding of the curvature of your ball flight.