0:15 車が前に進もうとしない。なぜなら、いわゆる”カルトナンバー”を見せつけるために待機していたのです。
0:40 私が近づくと足場の設営(または解体)の騒音がする。
0:15 A car wouldn't make for. Because the driver tried to show me, so-called "Cult Number", so the car had been waiting.
0:40 As I came closer, the noise of scaffolding assembling (or dismounting) sounded.
0:40 私が近づくと足場の設営(または解体)の騒音がする。
0:15 A car wouldn't make for. Because the driver tried to show me, so-called "Cult Number", so the car had been waiting.
0:40 As I came closer, the noise of scaffolding assembling (or dismounting) sounded.