0:08 うるさい東配工の車列が通過。
0:44 うるさい東配工の車列が再通過。
1:12 田畑建設の空のトラックが通過。
1:22 見知らぬ女と柴犬。
0:08 A noisy Tohaiko's car column passed.
0:44 A noisy Tohaiko's car column passed again.
1:12 Tabata construction company's truck carried nothing.
1:22 An unfamiliar woman and Shibainu passed and stopped.
0:44 うるさい東配工の車列が再通過。
1:12 田畑建設の空のトラックが通過。
1:22 見知らぬ女と柴犬。
0:08 A noisy Tohaiko's car column passed.
0:44 A noisy Tohaiko's car column passed again.
1:12 Tabata construction company's truck carried nothing.
1:22 An unfamiliar woman and Shibainu passed and stopped.