About For Books Cowboy Ethics: What Wall Street Can Learn From the Code of the West Complete

  • 5 tahun yang lalu
https://lkmnsorgedhang.blogspot.co.uk/?book= 1931153957
Paperback. Pub Date: 2005 Pages: 96 Publisher: Stoecklein Publishing Having been rocked by the one damaging Revelation ofmisbehaviour after another Wall Street is in a state ofcrisis. Investors are disgusted by The misdeeds of a fewand suspicious of the Industry at large . Every firm findsits integrity open to question. Regulators are up inarms. And the industry is facing billions of dollars incosts to comply with a floodtide of new regulations. Butimagine what could happen if Wall Street firms lookedback to a simpler time when a handshake was enough toseal a deal. and right and wrong were as clear as blackand white. In words and images. Cowboy Ethics exploresthe life and code of the working cowboy as a source ofinspiration pointing the industry to a way out of itstroubles. The book is intended as the catalyst for amovement to transform the industry - not with the carrotand ...
