• 5 years ago
How to track a lost phone?
1. Call the phone.
2. Find the device through the Android Device Manager ( or Find my iPhone (
3. Find the last location on Google maps ( Your timeline)
4. Call network provider to block your sim card.
5. File a complaint with IEMI number.


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Video titles and Subtitles in English, Hindi, French, Spanish, Tamil, and Telugu.
00:00hey guys and welcome my name is Nirmala
00:04and welcome to my show where I talk
00:07about different topics in the sphere of
00:10Technology did you recently lose your
00:13phone or did you misplace it in that cab
00:16that you just come by well don't worry
00:19if you lost your phone then have a
00:22solution just for you well today we're
00:26gonna talk about how to track your
00:29stolen phone well the first step in the
00:32process of recovering a stolen phone
00:34it's the call your phone it might have
00:37slid out of your pockets while in the
00:39cab or it might it might be just in
00:41lying in your house and you might think
00:42thought it is stolen golf if someone
00:45picks up well you have some thing to
00:48start with if not if it's ringing you
00:51know it is somewhere and if no one picks
00:54up and switched off then it's lost for
00:57the second tip is logging into your
01:00device manager so if you use a Google
01:03phone you have the Google device manager
01:06where you can go track your phone if
01:09your Internet's on you can track your
01:11phone or the last dated location we
01:13tracked on that where you can also ring
01:15the phone and wipe out the phone in the
01:18same platform and if you have the iPhone
01:21you can go to you can go to find my iPod
01:24and find your phone or ping it might
01:29ring or it might show you the last
01:31location of your fourth additionally you
01:34can also send a message undefined my
01:37iPhone to your main phone to either give
01:40a spare number to call or something like
01:42that just in case now the third step in
01:46the process is finding your lost Google
01:50location that Google Maps tracks
01:52everywhere you go so Google has a
01:54storage of all the points you visited in
01:57that day and if you just walk back walk
02:00the steps back to find your phone you
02:04just need login to Google go to your
02:06places and it's right there all the
02:09places you visited in the
02:11the fourth set now if you think you've
02:14not found your phone or someone got
02:15picked it up then call a network
02:18operator to block your SIM card now one
02:22by blocking your SIM card it takes out
02:25the network formula phone so people
02:28don't make Norma's calls from your phone
02:30send someone a text message so sim gets
02:33blocked you don't get charged for the
02:35calls or messages after you make that
02:38call and the last step if all of this is
02:41done and you think that you won't get
02:43the phone back at all
02:45go to your nearest police station and
02:47file register a complaint with police
02:50with your IE mi number ie mi number if
02:54the unique identification number given
02:57to every phone which you can find it on
03:00the boxes of the device and you just
03:03take that to a number and go to your
03:05nearest police station and finally
03:07complaint you justin guest police can
03:10help you track the device well I hope
03:14you find your devices if your block
03:16sticks well that is it for today if
03:19you're a first time you of this channel
03:20don't forget to subscribe to keep
03:21updated of all the latest news in
03:23technology and reviews of products and
03:26when we drop them now if you do like the
03:29video don't forget to leave a thumbs up
03:30right below as always thank you so much
03:34for watching this video and I'll see you
03:36in the next one
