• 6 years ago
There’s one woman named Nuria, she has 15 signs at least made for her. I’m like, oh yeah, I know that she’s going to be going by on marathon day, maybe I’ll see her. Won’t know what her bib number is, won’t know who she is, but we’re cheering her on.

Wellesley College is at mile 13 of the Boston Marathon.

Students have cheered on marathon runners since 1897.

For me, I feel a connection to all the students who have come before me. They’ve all stood out there on the marathon line for every year for as long as the Boston Marathon’s been going by Wellesley.

The women hang motivational posters along the course.

Hundreds of students will make at least one sign.

They work two hours a night for two straight weeks.

They have been taking online requests since 2011.

About a month out, we put a Google form up on our Facebook page. Then we go through one by one, mark off each sign as it’s being completed to make sure we don’t miss any.

All of the ones that are about like about running for someone you love are really cute, whether it’s for family or there are some that have been like, ‘your fiancé is waiting for you.’

We get things that are much more elaborate. I was struggling to draw a shamrock because somebody requested a green sign with shamrocks on it.

That’s a bear. She did this beautiful shading and we’re just out here doing bubble letters.

Some people just want very simple phrases. I did a “Go Momo” earlier. I don’t know who Momo is but someone is cheering for her.

Residents of Munger Hall organize the prep.
They go through 8 rolls of paper.


They use over 200 paint markers.

Let’s hope our greens work.

Blue and yellow are the most popular colors.

As for the other Wellesley tradition?

I think people prep with like lipstick sometimes or make sure to brush your teeth in the morning.


