Full version Making Emmie Smile For Kindle

  • 5 tahun yang lalu
"Making Emmie Smile" is a child development book geared for toddlers. In "Making Emmie Smile," family members attempt to make the child happy by offering her different material things, only to succeed in getting the child to smile by offering personal attention. The basic theme of "Making Emmie Smile" is the importance of fulfilling your child s emotional needs. Authors Ellen Weisberg and Ken Yoffe have also written and illustrated a series of children s geography books, including "All Across Canada," "All Across China," and "All Across Europe." In addition, they have written and illustrated "Fruit of the Vine," a children s fantasy based on the subject of bullying and the importance of altruism and peer involvement as a way to prevent it. Finally, Ellen is the author of "Gathering Roses," a young adult novel focusing on interrelationships and the influences of the Internet and today s fast-paced society.
