Ferrocarriles argentinos General San Martin - General Roca 1976

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: General views of the exterior of the terminal station of the General San Martin Railroad and the formation of a train departing from the platform. General views of people line up at a bus stop located in front of the railway station. General views of the exterior of the terminal station of the General Roca Railroad, of people leaving the building and passengers waiting on the platform for the departure of a train. General views of a parking lot located in front of the General Roca Railroad station. Close-ups of the formation of a train arriving at the terminus of Roca Railroad and passengers walking along the platform towards the exit. General views of the smoke coming out of the chimney of a locomotive in motion. Close-ups of longshoremen unloading the wood from a car stopped at the loading beach of the General Roca Railroad. General views of a train with passengers traveling along the tracks of the General Roca Railroad in the direction of the Avellaneda station. (Without sound)
Date: 2/6/1976
Duration: 2 minutes 58 seconds
Film code: B-04544

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