Trabajadores Ferrocarril General Roca - Plaza Constitucion en huelga 1991

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Report where the journalist Roberto Maidana Jr. comments: - "At our back, then, part of the complex diagram of the tracks within the General Roca Railway, with a complete framework of stillness, there have been no activities of any kind for 35 days here In Plaza Constitucion, the measure of force, the strike is maintained and the Argentine Railways company has begun to tighten this policy with layoffs that reach the order of 500 per day as regards people who remain in their activity of adhering to the The rebels' strike within the Fraternity union. And the hall of the Constitucion station once full of voices, of tumults, of runs in the windows and towards the platforms is now almost deserted, in fact it has become a kind of gallery or point of walk where people who come in various media to this area of ​​the city of Buenos Aires can enter the station to buy the newspaper, sweets and breakfasts, nothing more I know that. For more than a month, people have had to find different ways to get to the city of Buenos Aires and their usual places of work. Public transport has been convulsed, exceeded its capacity, there are many queues, crowds and even people have had to agree to come together in a car or use what is commonly called the collective tricks that cost several times more than a ticket from your area of ​​residence. This is at least the opinion of what these queues have to do daily to go to their places of work. "Insert Section with railroad tracks. Platforms with stopped trains. People walking inside the station. Bus lines 12, 51 , 8, 91 circulating in front of the Roca Station People walking through Plaza Constitucion Opinion of 3 passengers coming from Burzaco.
Date: 11/03/1991
Duration: 2 minutes 53 seconds
Code: UG-2598

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