The Road To Power 20180414_PART 1 OF 2

  • 5 years ago
Why the “gas attack” in Syria & Trump’s strike will not cause WW3, but what will by 2020. The clown Christopher Cantwell & half-jew Molyneux. More about voiding the 14th Amendment leading to refounding the U.S. government based on race. The need for a State Religion to compliment a new race-based U.S. govt & how “freedom of religion” is wrong and is a jewish-inspired principle to our detriment. Was Hitler christian? National Action in the U.K. apparently reformed under new name. 911 operator kills White teen. Outspoken jew-woke millennial in Oregon running for state congress & Republican party disavows & pressures him to withdraw. Part-negro mayor in Mississippi who passes for White dares “cowardly racists” to hate him after flyers against White genocide are distributed in his town. The most recent Taylor Swift controversy regarding her de-negrification of a well-known song.
Part 2 of 2:
