[Read] Hats Eyeglasses For Free

  • 5 years ago
[Read] Paperback. Pub Date: February. 2009 Pages: 240 Publisher: penguin Martha Frankel Grew up in a warm loving family of by diehard Gamblers. The the where HER fatherA s poker games and HER motherA s mah-jongg blended happily with BIG POTS of delicious food and endless gossip. As kids. she and her cousins ??bet on everythingA-from which of their Weight Watching mothers would lose the most to who could hold their eath longest underwater or eat the most matzo. But once Frankel left for college and later became a successful entertainment journalist. gambling didnA t factor much into her life. She thought her family legacy had passed her by.In this Afast-paced and amazingly funnyA (The Times-Picayune) memoir. Frankel traces her love affair with poker. an obsession that didnA t hit until her mid-forties. And she was good at poker. Frankel won routinely. whether she was playing in her... For Trial
