Ogano Gold, OrganoGold, Gano Excel, Gandoderma, Eniva

  • 16 years ago
UltimateCoffeeBusiness.Com | Totally Economy Proof BusinessBusiness. The Ultimate Home based Business. Blows away Xango, Herbalife, Mangosteen Juice, Mona Vei, Acai berry, Freelife, Goji, Eniva, Vibe. This has got to be the greatest consumable product home based business opportunity created. If you are looking to make money online with the best home based business, this is a product people order over and over, Coffee is basically a legalized drug, but Ganoderma Coffee is Healthy. Why try to get people to drink Mangosteen , Goji Juice or Acai Juice at $50 a bottle. They are already addicted to coffee and they already know that it is bad for them. Organogold company launches with its 4,000 year old secret, Ganoderma. Gano what, you say? Ganoderma, The herb of the Emperors, which, according to Wikipedia, is reported to have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as a herbal medicine for more than 4,000 years, making it one of the oldest mushrooms known to have been used in medicine. So why make coffee from it? Well, firstly organogold is a mixture of the highest grade Organic Ganoderma and very very rich tasting fair trade coffee. It tastes great and most people say it feels like their drinking straight coffee but they feel even more alert and they dont come down off it, like they do from coffee. So, Healthy Coffee? If you think there might be a market for such a thing, in this $9 Billion dollar a year specialty coffee business, consider this; Organo Gold has launched their company with a powerful and lucrative mlm, viral marketing plan as theyve seen the power, breadth and speed with which these marketing plans can grow. "This is a gold mine. Coffee is a gigantic business, its addictive and everyone knows its bad for you. A Health Coffee? Are you Serious? One with 4,000 years or use and science behind it? Its pretty amazing. This is the biggest no brainer, Ive ever seen. Only competitor is Organo Excel; I love their product, but in my humble opinion, this is far b
