BVB TV 2018/19: Episode 32 Snippets

  • vor 5 Jahren
BVB tv 18/19 - Episode 32 – Snippets

Axel´s Hair conquers Dortmund

Raphael Guerreiro Zorc donates a shirt for our auction
Nobby Dickel: “My guests always bring presents to the show. This time, we have a very special jersey. This is the jersey from the last match against Leverkusen. He’s gonna sign it and you can purchase it by auction. Just follow the link and click on auction, and you can start bidding. A nice jersey. It’s small. Are you that small?”
Raphael Guerriero: “Yes, I am.”
Nobby Dickel: “Wouldn’t have fit me back then.”

Impressions from training


