New Taiwan building will have rooftop farm and market

  • 5 years ago
TAINAN, TAIWAN — A Dutch architecture company has begun construction of an open-air market that will feature a roof-top farm in the south of Taiwan, according to design magazine Dezeen.

Dutch firm, MVRDV, has started building the Tainan Xinhua Fruit and Vegetable Market in Taiwan's southern city of Tainan.

This is being made in collaboration with the county's City Government Agriculture Bureau. The building's main purpose is to become a food supply hub for the city as well as a tourist attraction.

The market will cover a total of 80,000 square meters or roughly 862,000 square feet. It will be built as an open space with a crop-terrace-like rooftop. Each level of the terrace will be used to grow different kinds of produce.

A closed building will be built on one side of the market, intersecting with the terrace roof. In it will be the market's administrative offices, a restaurant, and an exhibition center.

One corner of the east side of the terrace folds down and reaches ground-level. This allows visitors to walk up to the roof which has public seating and recreational areas.

The building is scheduled to be complete in late 2020.
