• 5 years ago
Tips while writing the ICAI CA Final exam paper:
The biggest blunder we commit in an icai exam is we don't relax just before the ca final exam, we try to mug up everything at last moment. What we forget is that no race can be won by a fatigued mind. What we need to do is you need to close our eyes for two minutes just forget everything about life, about the examination, everything else...just relax!
This will soothe our mind, we will perform well in the ca final exam. Remember, no race can be won by a fatigued mind. While writing a paper we are very slow at the beginning...as the time passes we start gaining our momentum and the till the end at the ultimate moments we get a speed of bullet train. That's what we do in our examination. Believe me, that's a total blunder. Remember the best way to write any paper is to first analyze what has been asked in that ca final paper. It will need around five to six minutes to gain that understanding. Your approach shall be for example this is a question you shall read the first line and last line to gain an understanding of the whole question. You will get insights into this question without even reading this question. You need to repeat this similar fashion for all questions in whole question paper and yes this approach can only be applied when there are few but lengthy questions in the examination. You will need around five minutes to gain understanding about the whole paper in this manner now you need one more minute and based on your confidence and knowledge sort your paper in a way that it shall be easy to you and it shall yield maximum marks to you. Now the whole paper is in your grip in just five to six minutes. Now, start writing this paper at a full pace. Do not wait till ultimate moments to increase your speed. Start writing at full pace from the initial moment itself. Let's talk something about theory and numerical. Always prefer to do theory at the beginning. In theory, we have only two choices either you know the answer or you don't know the answer so the mind is clear but if we talk about numerical nobody knows when we are going to stuck. The reason of stucking can be an error in calculation, comprehension problem in a line of question, lack of confidence in applying a concept, etc. Being an ex-examiner, I can assure you that, in general, every ca final exam step marking is done in both theories as well as numerical and it does not hamper your impression if you attempt theory first. One more thing, in several examination papers theory and numerical are in the blend. What I mean to say, generally, one-third of paper belongs to theory questions so obviously, you can not ignore it. Now, let's allocate our time for writing our paper. Let's understand about our time and it's worth I mean to say you have let us say 100 marks exam paper and you have three hours in hand means 180 minutes so by that means I can say one point eight minutes per mark. So, let's say we have a question often marks so by that
