bad company

  • 5 years ago
BAD COMPANY was written in response to a period of life when I was struggling to find work and both my parents lost their jobs in a recession and the bank callously foreclosed on my parents mortgage right down to taking a small amount of money that was to be used as a deposit to rent another place, during this period I was constantly pulled over by the police whilst driving a $400 piece of junk, I received numerous fines that I was unable to afford to pay so the amount of money I owed inadvertently quadrupled and eventually I was threatened with incarceration it also led to having my license cancelled without my knowledge which in turn led to more hefty fines the next time the police pulled me over, with all that weighing heavily on my shoulders I ended up making some very poor decisions and eventually started to self medicate on drugs to relieve some of the misery and sadness that I was experiencing until one night at a house that I used to frequent I was set upon by a group of guys and beaten up to the point where I couldn't recognise myself in the mirror, the experience still haunts me years later.
