• 6 years ago
Shortland Street 6695 19th March 2019
Shortland Street is a serial medical drama centred around the lives and loves of the staff and patients of Shortland Street Hospital; an engaging and entertaining mix of medical crisis, human drama, romance and suspense. Set in the high-pressure environment of an inner city district hospital, Shortland Street follows the day to day romances and professional dilemmas of a team of caring professionals, committed to their patients, and to each other. The series has drawn acclaim for its handling of issues such as safe sex, AIDS, child abuse, alcoholism, cot death and suicide. Shortland Street is New Zealand's longest running drama series
Shortland Street, watch Shortland Street online, Shortland Street, watch Shortland Street episodes
Watch Shortland Street online for free. Read the latest Shortland Street episode guides & recaps, reviews, news, seasons, and much more. Shortland Street TV Series: Shortland Street is a serial medical drama centred around the lives and loves of the staff and patients of Shortland Street


