Shahurkh Khan, Ranbir Kapoor, Karan Johar & others dance at Akash Ambani & Shloka wedding. Akash, who will soon tie the knot at the Jio World Centre with Shloka Mehta in a lavish ceremony, took a grand baaraat to the wedding venue. Akash Ambani along with his friends, family and Bollywood stars danced to some foot-tapping numbers and set the stage on fire. Watch this video to know more!!!!
#ShahurkhKhan #RanbirKapoor #KaranJohar #AkashAmbani #ShlokaMehta #AkashShlokaReception
#ShahurkhKhan #RanbirKapoor #KaranJohar #AkashAmbani #ShlokaMehta #AkashShlokaReception