The grand finale of reality show 'Bigg Boss 18' took place on January 19. The moment has come when Salman Khan announced the name of the winner. Karan Veer Mehra won the trophy. Vivian became the first runner-up while Rajat got the second place. Rajat looked angry after the grand finale. His video is going viral on social media.
#bigboss #salmankhan #Karanveermehra #VivianDsena #AvinashMishra #RajatDalal #ChumDarang #EishaVerma #bigboss18 #filmibeat
#bigboss #salmankhan #Karanveermehra #VivianDsena #AvinashMishra #RajatDalal #ChumDarang #EishaVerma #bigboss18 #filmibeat