Suspense feature, Till Death..., Emily in Nightmare Land, Cr

  • 9 years ago
This month on video you will see trailers and sample clips of Black-Smith Enterprises' ( recent release of new suspense feature, 'Till Death...' Surreal indie short by Marco Sanchez, 'Emily in Nightmare Land' ( Community generated zombie documentary, 'Lost Zombies' ( Horror genre short, 'Creepers' (, making the festival circuit, and slated for screenings in The Terror Film Festival, October 23, and The Severed Head Horror Film Festival, October 31. Southern alternative rock band from Mobile, Alabama Krawling From Karma ( with constant radio play over Radio Free USA, with video 'Crawling Back' in rememberance of Mark Guarry. The Actor's Checklist now lets you check the latest musical artists song releases on Apple's iTunes, updated on an hourly basis, at:
