• 6 years ago
People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Rajasthan has criticized the Rajasthan Police allegations that some Muslim businessmen associated with Jamaat e Islami (JIH) are buying properties of poor Hindus and building mosques.

On the 14th of August, 2014, the PUCL obtained a confidential letter dated 15th July, 2014, issued by Additional Director General Police (Intelligence), Rajasthan Special Branch, Rajasthan Jaipur, to the District Collector, Jaipur and Police Commissioner Jaipur, regarding construction of Masjids. The letter alleges that “poor Hindu Community members, who live next to Muslim Abadi areas, are being provided with incentives (pralobhan) and their land sold for the Construction of religious places. It alleges that Dr Iqbal of the Jamait-Islami-Hind is the caretaker of a fund that is buying houses and properties of the Hindus in Hindu Bastis. The main supporters of this endeavour are the Industrialists, Habib Garnet, Sriaj Takat, Haji Rafat, Naeem Quereshi, Pappu Ouereshi, Gaffar Bhai Tent wala, Sohrabuddin and Bilal etc. These people meet clandestinely on a monthly or weekly basis at Darbar Hotel in order to plan activities for the above agenda.”

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