The CBI is set to continue its search for Nupur Talwar today. The court has asked CBI to arrest Nupur Talwar and produce her before it by April 18. CBI teams will resuem their search for Nupur today. Yesterday, the CBI raided her residence in Hauz Khas and some places in Noida but were unable to locate her. Nupur's disappearing act followed the issuing of a 'non-bailable warrant' against her by the special CBI court on Wednesday.
Earlier in the day, Nupur Talwar had filed an application in the court through her counsel citing her inability to appear. The court asked CBI to arrest Nupur Talwar and produce her before it by April 18. It's nearly 4 years now since 14-year old Aarushi was found murdered in the bedroom of the family's Noida flat. With domestic help Hemraj who was initially the murder suspect... also found killed a day later.
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Earlier in the day, Nupur Talwar had filed an application in the court through her counsel citing her inability to appear. The court asked CBI to arrest Nupur Talwar and produce her before it by April 18. It's nearly 4 years now since 14-year old Aarushi was found murdered in the bedroom of the family's Noida flat. With domestic help Hemraj who was initially the murder suspect... also found killed a day later.
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