Kirsten Gillibrand says the wall on the border is “so absurd”, but WHY she says it will make you Facepalm hard

  • 5 years ago
Watch this clip of Kirsten Gillibrand having a conversation on the campaign trail with a potential voter about the southern border:

Did you catch it?

The reason the wall is “so absurd”, according to Gillibrand, is because it’s blocking the people who are indigenous to America from coming here. Whut?

Ok first of all, the portions of the wall that exist on the southern border are only there to keep people from coming here ILLEGALLY. People coming to the border can always go to the ports of entry if they want to apply for asylum. Of can apply from their country and fly here.

It’s beyond idiotic to suggest that the border is keeping people from coming here. The whole point of the border wall is to give us the ability to control our immigration, which is what almost every country on the planet seeks to do.

And on this indigenous people argument – I have to say that I have no idea who these people are that are indigenous to this land that can’t get in…or what this girl is talking about. But whatever she means, Gillibrand just goes right along with it and calls the wall ‘absurd’.

I’ll tell you what is absurd, Gillibrand’s candidacy for president. She’s sounding as dumb as AOC in this clip.
