• 6 years ago
The world is a fascinating place and the more you explore it, more interesting it becomes. However, for those of us, who haven’t got a chance to travel to many countries, this article will act as an inspiration.

Today, we’re sharing unusual and interesting facts about 8 countries around the world that’d make you want to plan your trip and head out.

Ready to explore? Let’s get started.


On #1, we’ve France. If you count everything including overseas territories, then France claims the title by covering a large 12 time zones (and here we’re were confused with a few or only one time zone.)


Canada is among the popular tourist destination (especially for Indian and Punjabis), but it has more exciting facts up its sleeves. With over 3 million lakes, 9% of Canadian territory is actually freshwater, and over 60% of the lakes of all the world are found within its borders.

Just so you know, we have only 1% freshwater in the whole water which is available to drink. So, next time be more cautious when wasting water.


Widely known for its cleanliness and expensive cost of living, Singapore is also the most significant urban city-state that does not have an agriculture-based economy. But, still, they are famous for cheap food (wink, wink.)


Siberia is home to approximately 25% of the world’s forests that span an area larger than the continental United States. If you haven’t visited Siberia yet, you are unaware of how beautiful and fierce nature can be.


Want to visit the most deserted place on earth? It’s right here in Libya. With 99% of the country covered in desert, Libya is one of the aridest places in the world and in some regions decades may go by without a single drop of rain.

“That’s a strange name” would be the first thought that’d have crossed your mind after reading the name of this country. Well, that’s not the only shocking part.

Although English is the official language of Papua New Guinea, only 1-2 % of the population actually speak it. Over 820 languages are spoken in this small country which equals 12% of the world’s total.


The origin country of popular west-culture Yoga and with one of seven wonders of world “Taj Mahal,” India is more than just a tourist place. According to surveys, in almost every category - culturally, economically, climatically, racially, linguistically, ethnically, and religiously, India is the most diverse country in the world.


With 2.2 million people behind bars, the United States has 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s incarcerated population.

It sums up our list. The research and design is the courtesy of Mr. David Storobin from DavidStorobin.com - a famous New York Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Visit - https://davidstorobin.com/criminal-defense/


