Report to the first woman who manages a collective in Buenos Aires 1967

  • hace 5 años
Bs. As .: General views of people boarding a bus from Line 213 in Plaza Constitución. General views of the groups circulating in a street of the Federal Capital. Report where the journalist comments: You can stand in any corner, for example, in Paraguay and Leandro Alem; the group is waiting, let's say the 310 and then the collective comes and you find yourself with this surprise; the surprise is blonde and she has blue eyes, and her name is Elena. Report to Miss Elena, in which she is asked: She is single or married (Answer: Married, with 3 children). -How long ago is it collective and why (Answer: 5 months). -As passengers react to the surprise of meeting a collective lady. (Julio Lagos)
Date: 10/4/1967
Duration: 2 minutes 19 seconds
Film code: B-06543

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