• 5 years ago
Body Works Sports Physiotherapy
233 West 1st St #420
North Vancouver, BC V7M 1B3

Hi everyone, this is Steven from Body Works Sports Physio, here today to talk to you a little bit about neck pain and sitting posture. So a lot of people end up getting pain into the back of the neck because they’re working at the computer from sitting into this posture here or your chin’s forward and you get a little bit of a closing down into the back of the neck. So one simple exercise is just to take two fingers, place them just on your chin like so, and then just push your neck or push your chin straight back. You can see how that just lengthens the back of my neck here and just reduces any compression going on in the back of my neck. It can offer me quite alleviating for some people with neck pain. So give that a try. Hold it each for about five seconds there and see if that helps your neck pain. If not, you’re always welcome to come in here for an appointment. Thanks everyone, have a good day.



