A pesar de las previsiones de lluvia para este día, mi hermano, mi sobrino y yo nos dirigimos a Sierra Blanca (Marbella, Málaga) para subir a la Cruz de Juanar. Cuando salimos del Refugio del Juanar estábamos envueltos en una niebla muy densa que nos acompañaría durante todo el camino.
El bosque de pinos de Monterrey estaba hermoso en esta atmósfera neblinosa y mística. Cuando estábamos cerca de la cima, empezó a llover fuerte, aunque afortunadamente sólo duró unos 15 minutos.
El camino hacia abajo fue un poco peligroso ya que el sendero era muy rocoso y resbaladizo, además de la cantidad de barro y charcos que tuvimos que evitar.
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Despite the rainy forecast for this day, my brother, my nephew and I headed off to Sierra Blanca to climb Juanar's Cross (Marbella, Málaga). When we left the Juanar Refuge we were wrapped in a very dense fog which would remain with us the whole way. The Monterrey pine tree forest was beautiful in this misty and mystical atmosphere. When we were reaching the peak, it started to rain hard but fortunately it only lasted 15 minutes. The way down was a bit dangerous since the trail was very rocky and slippery, plus the amount of mud and puddles we had to avoid.
Music: "Detached" by Open Ocean (https://soundcloud.com/openocean/detached). Thank you so much, Open Ocean. Check out more of his beautiful music here (https://soundcloud.com/openocean)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenderista/
El bosque de pinos de Monterrey estaba hermoso en esta atmósfera neblinosa y mística. Cuando estábamos cerca de la cima, empezó a llover fuerte, aunque afortunadamente sólo duró unos 15 minutos.
El camino hacia abajo fue un poco peligroso ya que el sendero era muy rocoso y resbaladizo, además de la cantidad de barro y charcos que tuvimos que evitar.
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Despite the rainy forecast for this day, my brother, my nephew and I headed off to Sierra Blanca to climb Juanar's Cross (Marbella, Málaga). When we left the Juanar Refuge we were wrapped in a very dense fog which would remain with us the whole way. The Monterrey pine tree forest was beautiful in this misty and mystical atmosphere. When we were reaching the peak, it started to rain hard but fortunately it only lasted 15 minutes. The way down was a bit dangerous since the trail was very rocky and slippery, plus the amount of mud and puddles we had to avoid.
Music: "Detached" by Open Ocean (https://soundcloud.com/openocean/detached). Thank you so much, Open Ocean. Check out more of his beautiful music here (https://soundcloud.com/openocean)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenderista/